
The development direction of led light panel manufacturers

    Now a lot of new generation LED enterprise like a swarm of bees into the LED market, and most enterprises only focus on short-term benefits, not its market positioning and planning for long-term development of enterprises the main line of brand management, this just reflects the many new enterprises due to the lighting and lack of awareness and understanding of the "bottleneck", and caused the market chaos. The development direction of led light panel manufacturers should follow the following three points:
    1. To clear its own market positioning. Enterprises should be a clear market positioning itself, making the long-term and short-term objectives related to.
    2. To build their own brands. The brand represents the strength of the business and culture, brand visibility and reputation of the enterprise's chance of winning market share will be greater. The formation of precipitation brand takes time, but different enterprises in the process of building the brand of time is different, it depends to enterprises and the tactics. But for emerging led light panel manufacturers to develop effective promotion way according to the development goals and positioning themselves, highlight the brand characteristics, around the core competitive advantage of propaganda and pave the way for. More importantly, enterprises should improve the competitive advantage of products and service ability, construction and maintenance of channels, to seize more market share target.
    3. The production of high quality products. A lot of people think, products with high technical content has more value to the product, this view is wrong. Low value products can also have a high value in return, to the enterprise, can better improve the product efficiency, ensure the quality of LED lighting products, such as raising the efficiency of LED light source; as far as possible to shorten the recovery cycle, increase the capacity of their products, to enhance the product R & D technology, it can produce acceptable to customers of high price products; to strengthen the marketing tools, to enhance competitiveness, enhance the market adaptability and so on, these for the competitiveness of enterprises is very important, they are the basic guarantee of enterprise market entry and removing obstacles.
The development direction of led light panel manufacturers

The above article from Sourcechip official website (http://www.sc-ledlights.com/)
The original address: http://www.sc-ledlights.com/news_show_4_22_114.html, reproduced please specify

