LED spot light is generally used for ornaments enhanced lighting, general is embedded in the ceiling or wall, lamp work will generally issued a high temperature, so be sure to buy high-quality products, otherwise there will be security risks.
Use the LED spot light to the assembly of transformer, lamp also should choose a good quality, otherwise the lamp lights easily go bad.
LED spot light is mainly composed of a casing, Lamp bead, aluminum base plate, driving structure, concrete analysis is as follows:
LED spot light shell: paint, plating two shell. Set includes a lamp cover, lamp cup, a base, aluminum plate, lens, screw for MR16, GU10, lotus shaped, beautiful, generous, good heat radiating performance.
LED spot light Lamp beads: six feet RGB, special spotlights, red: 40lm; Green: 60lm; Blu-ray: 15lm, are used 350 mA current.
LED spot light driver: universal input voltage (220V), constant current output, to ensure the safety of high power LED. High power factor, greater than 0.98. Isolated power supply, isolation voltage 3000V. Over temperature protection, short circuit protection, open circuit protection, can drive all 3W LED (including red and yellow). The use of ceramic capacitor, long life design, up to 50000 hours. High reliability, the whole lamp through safety testing, isolation voltage up to 3750V, can be tested by EMC. Small size: 24mm*18mm, have Chinese and American patent.(Image products: LED Spot light GU10 SC-MR16B005S02)
The above article from Sourcechip official website (http://www.sc-ledlights.com/)
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