
LED spot lamps price stability

    LED lamp is a new type of lighting lamp with LED as light source, the current market development, along with the LED spot lamps price stability, it is most likely to replace one of the traditional lighting LED products, have more market share in LED products.
    According to the survey, LED spotlight to replace incandescent lamps from 2010 began to accelerate, mainly in Japan as the most representative. The reason is that the Japanese government subsidy, the local consumer awareness of environmental protection is higher, and the LED spotlight prices decline, the Japanese LED lamp market of rapid growth. The LED lamp sales, the Japanese market share has reached 19%.
    The LED spot lighting is one of the key development of LED lighting. According to the survey, the LED spotlight is one of the most talked about products in the construction industry, modular and replaceability is the development trend of LED spotlight. At present, including the GE, Germany LBM, and other manufacturers, have the LED lighting product development.
    Overall, to replace the traditional lighting, LED lighting will be the largest application market prices in the next few years. Individual applications, including display lighting, commercial lighting, outdoor lighting, indoor lighting, lighting to replace and so on, will be the main application of LED lighting market in the next few years.
    With the national policy to promote, global economic growth, and LED production capacity to continue to expand, technology progress, promote the LED lamp price decline, coupled with extended range of applications, in 2015 the global LED spotlight and other lighting market size is estimated to reach $ 28.8 billion.
LED spot lamps price stability

The above article from Sourcechip official website (http://www.sc-ledlights.com/)
The original address: http://www.sc-ledlights.com/news_show_4_20_119.html, reproduced please specify

